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April 7th 2020


Re: Communion on Sunday April 12th 2020


As we continue to watch the spread of the pandemic and desire to keep everyone in our church family safe and comply with the laws, we know community is important and is missed.  On April 1st we called the church to a day of prayer and fasting in unison.  For Resurrection Sunday we would like to take communion in unity.


From the isolated desk of Pastor Jake


Communion is one of two commandments that Jesus gave to His followers to do, the other is baptism.  Taking communion from home may give you some anxiety but it doesn’t have to.  Here in the U.S. we have a plentiful harvest of wheat each year.  Other locations it is corn or rice that is the main crop and wheat products are near impossible to find.  Communion is taken differently in many nations and with different elements.  In these locations they use something that relates and reminds them of the sacrifice that Jesus made. 


I encourage you to look at Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-24.  They each have the same themes… “This is my body” and “it is broken.”  From the time Jesus was praying in the garden until the time he was removed from the cross His body was in the turmoil of events to break His body.


Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20 and 1 Corinthians 11:25 all speak of the blood of Jesus being poured out.  Jesus also said He is the vine; speaking to the fruit that is produced.  Isaiah 53:5 says “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” (ESV) Jesus was crushed for our sins and poured out.  The blood is the life from within.  The emotional and physical toll was recorded in the Gospels of Jesus sweating droplets of blood.


With this very short explanation of communion and our current situation use what you have on hand for communion.  For bread: use a slice of bread, a cracker, corn bread, rice cake, or a donut.  It is supposed to remind you of Jesus being broken, paying the price due for your sins.  For: wine: use grape juice, wine, orange juice, apple juice, tomato juice; or coffee.  Each is from a vine and crushed.  The inner life being spilled out as a covering.  Do not get legalistic; use what you have on hand.  Jesus is more concerned with the heart motive than the elements used. 


Ultimately “Do this in remembrance of me” is the focus and desire in our hearts as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus; for the forgiveness of sins and an eternal hope for of all that will come to Him and put their trust in Him through faith.


Before taking communion take a photo of your elements.  After the Sunday service we encourage you to share the photos on Facebook and tag Believers Chapel Canastota. 

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