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March 18, 2020


In light of the recent unprecedented events, your pastors and elders have made the decision to cancel our Sunday morning services for the next two weeks when we will reassess the situation. This has been a careful decision not made in fear but one made in faith. This decision will allow us to stay in compliance with our president’s recommendations to keep gatherings at this time under 10 to help stop the spread of COVID-19 virus. This is a decision that best represents our genuine concern for each and every one of you. Your pastors and elders do not want anyone to be put at any unnecessary risk.


Given these developments, we will still have services provided virtually through Facebook live on Sunday mornings at 10 am.  Please do not come to the church.  We will have a small core team each week; You will be contacted if you are part of that team each week. All servant schedule people should NOT come to church. We ask you to go to our Facebook page and there you can see and hear the entire service for that morning.

This is an excellent opportunity for you; the church, to invite family and friends to our site to hear the word of God! Many may not come into a church building but in the comfort of their own homes they will visit a Facebook page. We know many are afraid and we know the ONE who has the answers to all of life’s troubles. Let us be an inviting group for the Lord Jesus! This is an excellent way to reach many lost people. Instead of using this time for isolation, let us use technology to help us bring many together! 


Knowing the crucial importance and power of intercessory prayer, we will continue to pray on Thursday nights with our attendance being under 10.  We will make an attempt to video chat the prayer time starting at 7:30; please contact Elder Brian Link ( ahead of time to be included on the chat portion.


Pastor Jake is meeting with the youth virtually as well.  For more information please contact him directly.


Our Compassion Connection Food Pantry will maintain their regular hours with some new protocols put in place to ensure safety.


All other mid-week activities are cancelled for now.


“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" Romans 8:28 NLT


We encourage you to visit our website:, where you can keep up to date on the latest information. Additionally we will post our Sunday service videos and link you to our Facebook Page For those of you not on Facebook, we will post a link to our YouTube video shortly after service on Sunday.


We encourage you to safely give on-line, at our website or using this direct link: ( If you would rather mail your offering you can; send your tithes and offerings to Believers Chapel, PO Box 323, Canastota NY 13032.


Prayer requests can be submitted through the “contact us” tab on our website or continue to use our prayer chain network already setup (Pam Link).


If anyone needs to talk with one of our pastors please feel free to contact Pastor Dave  ( or Pastor Jake ( , they will be happy to chat with you. 


We love our church family and wish you to keep well, safe and stay connected during this time of uncertainty. This is not a surprise to our God and He is in control. Please remember this too shall pass and The Church will be stronger on the other side! 


With Love in Christ,


Pastor Dave; Pastor Jake; and the Elders (Brian, Dave & Terry)

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